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Woodford Folk Festival, Australia, 2010



BABELprojeKT looks at the way languages carry and contain and change communication. It takes on the multidimensional nature of language: visual, audio, physical, verbal, and looks for productive slippages in meaning.


uberBABEL: The three towers project

towering over the Festival streets, three structures showcase the work of Australian artists from Indigenous, non-indigenous and Asia-Pacific cultural origins.


psychoBABEL: the talkfest

a celebration of the heteroglossal nature of spoken languages. A talkfest where it’s important to speak out the words “I’m not sure I know what you mean.” A place where assumptions and fixed ideas have been cast from the topmost towers and in their place, new possibilities tentatively encouraged


protoBABEL: the performance programme

in the beginning, before the Word, was the intake of breath: the language of the body exists before, within and after all other forms of language.


paraBABEL: the tent event

Every evening after the daily workshops have retired, the small village in the tents of Penny Lane transforms into an avenue of installations. Here artists use the languages of light, image and sound to reflect on the contemporary world


BABELbarong: the performance/event

Internationally recognised artist Heri Dono makes works that weave the character and details of Indonesian mythology into the everyday contexts of the contemporary world. For this festival he aims to call on the spirit of the barong as the central motif of a week-long programme of participation and interaction. The final celebration will culminate in a performance event where all will be invited to join with the magical barong as it weaves its way between the meridians of here and there, now and then in its dance that traditionally restores the balance between good and evil.

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