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Target Practice

FireWorks Gallery, Brisbane, 2015

This series addresses the constructions and constrictions of definitions of ‘home’ in Australia; it uses imagery of a particular interpretation of what home is ‘supposed’ to look like and what must be kept out in order for this dream to be realised.


The works use the VJ boards from old Queensland homes, embroidery and stitch-work undertaken in leisure time in a former era, old-fashioned hand-printed archery targets and kitchen plates.


The archery targets are riddled with holes; each features a crude image of an introduced species – an animal not native to Australia. Delicate hand-made embroideries have been inserted at the heart of each animal, right in the ringed zone that marks the most fatal spot. These pastel-perfect images of northern-hemisphere ideals of home stand in stark contrast Yet both the archery targets and the embroideries bear the imprint of a sharp pointed implement – one driving into the image, the other working across the image as it leads the thread through.


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